Patient list | | Glossary of terms Vulture Programme
2024-0008 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2024-01-05
Final date -
Days in captivity123
SpeciesWBVU - African White-backed Vulture
Fracture - toe

Cause of injury: Collision - powerline

Monitoring for release

Found in Kimberly,Northern Cape
NA county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Daily rate12350.006150.00
Total  9242.00

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images







2024-02-20 08:46 SJW

Location changed to: 12) AWBV rehab

2024-01-13 08:36 SJW

We gave 0.77mls Edeta IM and will give in the afternoon(BID).

2024-01-11 08:20 SJW

We gave Calcium gluconate 4mls into 50mls Ringers lactate fluids subcut.
Gave Edeta 0.77mls this morning and will give again in the afternoon IM (BID).

2024-01-10 07:07 SJW

We gave 4mls Calcium gluconate in 50mls Ringers lactate fluids subcut (SID).
We gave Edeta 0.77mls this morning and will give again in the afternoon IM (BID).

2024-01-09 14:32 SJW

We gave 4mls of Calcium in 50mls of Ringers lactate.
We gave 0.77mls Edeta IM and will give again in afternoon (BID).

2024-01-08 08:56 RG

Bird was given calcium 5mls/50mls ringers lactate day 3 out of 5.
X-rays taken of feet and wings.

2024-01-07 08:52 RG

Bird was given Calcium 5mls/50mls ringers lactate, subcut, day 2 out of 5.

2024-01-06 10:55 CH

Location changed to: Hospital

2024-01-06 10:48 CH

The bird started on Calcium gluconate 5mls/50mls ringers lactate subcut for 5 days.

2024-01-06 10:46 CH

======= TREATMENT PLAN =======
Started on Calcium gluconate 5mls/50mls ringers lactate subcut for 5 days from today 2024-01-06 until 2024-01-11

2024-01-05 16:48 SJW
Weight: 4.400 kg, BCS: 2.0

2024-01-05 16:43 SJW

Fed pieces of pig liver and ate well until crop was full

2024-01-05 16:43 SJW

Band changed to: G26919

Version 3.1.8 - 3.18.66 Tue May 07 07:26:53 2024